Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When it is all new

I am at that delightful time in a lass's life where she and a man spend their time kissing. In some ways it is an old relationship but the kissing thing is new and I must say the man in question is very skilled at the art. (OK promise not to nauseate you any further).

This is all quite refreshing for a cynic like me who had almost given up on the relationship thing and who had certainly forgot how nice hours of kissing can be. I had thought I couldn't see him in that way but then one day a while ago he made an offhand remark about something that seemed of no consequence and it jolted me in a way I did not expect. So things seem great and I mostly can't stop grinning.

But still, the insecurities surface. No reply to a text or "what did he mean by that?" and I suddenly become worrisome. Why can't I just relax and enjoy it? Maybe despite myself I am one of those slightly obsessive neurotic types that I pity.

One good thing - he has no idea. I have my pride for the moment at least.

And another good thing - we are catching up this weekend for more kissing....


I'm not Craig said...

I think everyone probably feels a little insecure in those early stages. After a few years, such early worries are just a distant memory.

Don't worry too much. You are clearly wonderful and you deserve to be happy.

Have a great weekend.

Watershedd said...

Two things - if a comment can be taken two ways, choose the positive. That's what Angel always tells me. The other - talk when you are not sure what he means. Clears up just about any issue in minutes. Enjoy the kissing. It is very nice!

Cinema Minima said...

Nothin like a bit of tonsil hockey! My fiance used to be very insecure about me when it came to other women. But now she doesn't worry so much because she appreciates what a complete dork I am.

Ms Batville said...

Aw, thanks you guys (and welcome homo j. sapien). Tis good advice all and made me feel better.

It is not so much an 'other woman' thing that I am worried about but more that we have moved from 'good friend' to 'good friends who do a lot of kissing'. And I know I am falling fast so am hoping he feels the same way or it could all end in really bad tears.

To be fair he may be in the same boat wondering what the heck is going on as he pursued me years back and I told him I wasn't interested.

Anyway, I will follow your advice I'm not Craig and not worry too much. I will further follow watershedd's advice and read the best into things. And I will take homo j. sapiens comment and assure you that he doesn't seem to be a dork at all and I'm sure his fiance thinks you are just wonderful.

And yes I will enjoy the kissing and I promise not to blog on nauseatingly about it. Have a good weekend all!

M said...

*jealous* :)

Susanne said...

Oh that's wonderful! Enjoy it.

Kissing should be enjoyed for it's on sake, not as just a warm-up to the real thing.

I love that kissing stage with a new boy. *Sigh*

Susanne said...
