Saturday, October 21, 2006

I knew exercise was bad for you

Ha! After my smug post about my Sunday walk around the Tan I can verily report that I have hurt my leg and can't walk properly. Yes indeedy. And after walking at a pace where I was overtaken by small children on the Anderson Street hill.

The physio has told me to stay out of heels (blasphemous talk), to do stretching exercises, to ice my lower leg and to keep coming back for visits. In the meantime it actually hurts like hell.

Am seriously tempted to revert my formerly slothlike gluttonous state. Sure the clothes were a tad tight tight and walking up stairs left me puffed, but at least I wasn't in pain.

A weekend of reading, using copious quantities of ice (for leg and for gin) and grumbling to myself awaits.


meva said...

I admit that the thought of a weekend of gin and reading has a certain allure. (Surely, enough gin and the pain will be secondary.)

And I'm also delighted that another virtuous plan of abstemiousness and vigorous exercise has bitten the dust!

Because I really do love sloth. Just add some chocolate and George Clooney (and some associated tangential activity) to that gin and inactivity and I'd be in heaven!

I'm not Craig said...

I'm enjoying the 'gin' theme in the last couple of posts.

I am all for gin and inactivity, but I think I'll leave George Clooney for Meva

Ms Batville said...

Gin is the one of my five food types. All things in moderation though. I did have a few good glasses of red as well last night.

The weekend of inactivity has been very nice. I can recommend it thoroughly!

Anonymous said...

Gin is absolutely the go. To inspire your budding romance, can I recommend having your new guy pour neat gin into one of your high-heeled shoes for your enjoyment? Way more fun than walking around in them and you get tipsy SO fast! Trust me, it works wonders! Now I'm going to have to confess some of my deep dark secrets to I'm Not Craig....

I'm not Craig said...

Aah, stories of my Honey Bear's wild youth.

Fascinating, as ever.

if Honey Bear ever agrees to start her own blog, it will indeed be worth reading.

Should we start a petition?

meva said...

I'll sign on the dotted line.


Ms Batville said...

Add another signature from me.

Am only taking baby steps at the moment Honey Bear but might try that one out. Anything that involves shoes and gin covers two of my great loves!